frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer to your question below? Check out our family resources page, or contact our registrar team at We’re available Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm. 

When can I register?

Registration for Summer 2025 opens Sunday, November 3rd at 9am. Each session closes 14-days before the start date.

When will Gears & CIT applications be available?

Counselor-in-Training and Gears applications will be available on our website Friday, October 18th.

As a reminder only those accepted to the program can register. This means registration instructions will be shared directly with accepted campers once the application process is complete.

For more information, visit our Teen Leadership Opportunities page.

Is there financial assistance available?

Financial assistance, or "camperships" are available for families. There are no guarantees for financial assistance awards, but we strive to provide every family with the support they need. 

For more information, visit our Financial Assistance page.

Do I need to register and pay a deposit before I can apply for financial assistance?

Families do need to register and pay the deposit fee prior to being awarded a campership. If this is a barrier for your family please reach out to our registrar as soon as possible to discuss options.

What cabin type should I register for?

There are three types of cabins you can choose from: all-gender, all-female, and all-male. Please select the cabin type you and your camper are comfortable with. If your preferred cabin type is not available, please join the waitlist.

What is the cancellation policy?

At the time of registration, we collect a non-refundable deposit. In the event of program or participant cancellation, this deposit becomes "transferrable", meaning it can be used as a credit towards a future session, rental, or another Camp Fire program like Before & After School.

For more information, visit our Cancellation Policy page.

What should my camper pack?

We encourage you to review the packing tips and lists, found on pages 5-6 in our Family Handbook.

My camper signed up with a friend. How will we know if they are in the same cabin?

If you would like to request ONE cabin buddy, please email with the subject line: "2025 Namanu Camp Buddy." We cannot guarantee buddy requests, but will do our best to accommodate requests.

What happens if my camper loses something at camp?

Any camper items that remain in our lost and found at the end of a session will be delivered to our downtown office within 1 week of the session ending. To follow up on a lost and found item, please email our registrar team,, with "Lost & Found" and the session that your camper attended in the subject line. Any remaining items not retrieved will be donated at the end of the summer.

What happens if my camper gets sick while they are at camp?

We have an on-site healthcare team to support the well-being of every staff member and camper. For any serious or persistent health concerns, or those requiring outside medical treatment, families will be notified by phone as soon as possible.

How does Camp Namanu support LGBTQIA2S+ and BIPOC campers?

Namanu is committed to the ongoing work of equity, diversity and inclusion. We strive to be a safe space for all youth. Bullying, harassment, or anything less than acceptance is not tolerated. 

 My camper has a disability/specific needs. What accommodations are you able to make?

If you have concerns about your camper’s ability to be successful within our program, please contact our Camp Director, Sammie "Tavie" Hagen at

What about dietary needs?

There are always gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan options served at every meal, If your camper has more specific needs, please be sure to list them on the Health History Form so we can accommodate them.

What do I do if I need to drop my camper off late or pick them up early from a session?

We prefer that all campers arrive during our scheduled drop-off time and ride the pre-arranged buses at the end of the session. However, if you require an alternative option due to unexpected circumstances, please reach out to the registrar team at as early as possible to ensure our staff are prepared to support this option. 

What are your emergency procedures?

Camp Namanu’s staff has been fully trained and prepped on what to do in emergency situations to keep campers safe. If you have questions regarding those procedures, please reach out to the to the Camp Director, Sammie "Tavie" Hagen at

What is the best way to get in contact with camp staff while my child is at camp?

Please call our direct site line at (503) 695-6041. If you don’t happen to reach us, please leave a voicemail and we will return your call as quickly as possible. Staff are typically in the office from lunchtime Sunday-Friday.

Why did unit names change?

Namanu has renamed cabins, buildings, and programs that were identified in a cultural appropriation audit. The two remaining units of Pioneer (colonizing language) and Kiwanis (fraternal organization) have now been renamed to fit the new names of the cabins in those units and to be in alignment of using our buildings as a way to connect and educate all those that come to Namanu. Our 7th grade unit, previously known as Kiwanis, will now be Wildwood and our 8th & 9th grade unit, previously known as Pioneer, will now be Riverbend.

For more information, visit our 2025 Unit Descriptions page.

What Camp Namanu programs are still on pause for the 2024 season?

The following programs are still on pause: Mini Blue Wing,  Adventure Days, Trail Rides, and our Ranch program.


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