Transition of Camp Fire’s Before and After School programs to the YMCA

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We are transitioning all of our BAS programming to the YMCA as of January 1, 2025. The YMCA is excited and fully prepared to take on our BAS program, and the transition will happen over the Winter Holiday school closure so that there will be no break in the services being provided to families. Regularly scheduled care will resume on January 6th for PPS & MSD and on January 7th for WLWV with the Y.

Will anything about the BAS program change?

There will be no changes to programming with the transition to the YMCA. The YMCA program is very similar and prioritizes kids and families just like Camp Fire Columbia. CFC and YMCA staff have worked together to design a seamless transition plan for these programs:

  • Programs will retain the same fee structure Camp Fire Columbia was offering, and care will be provided in the same locations.
  • Families eligible for scholarships will continue to receive the same level of support they do today.
  • YMCA is offering positions to all of our school-based staff to provide continuity of care to all our families.

We are very grateful for the work of our staff at CFC and our partners at the YMCA in creating this transition plan. We believe it offers the best possible outcome for families given Camp Fire Columbia’s current financial challenges.

Canceling Winter Holiday Break Programs

Our financial position through the end of 2024 is very uncertain, and there is a possibility that we will have to cease operations, either temporarily or permanently, by the middle of December. While we are seeking to raise revenue through many different efforts, we have made a decision to cancel all programming over the Winter Holiday Break. This decision ensures that families can make appropriate plans for care during this time without having to manage through a last-minute change.

Winter Break options the Y is offering:

Central Region/Portland School District Region

South Region/Tigard School District Region


Does this mean I do not have care for the rest of the year?
No, all currently enrolled families will continue with their current package and rate throughout the rest of the school year.

Do I have to re-enroll for care?
Yes, YMCA uses a different registration program. Please sign up for the current package and days you are currently enrolled in.

Who will the new staff be?
We are fortunate to say that the YMCA will be offering employment to BAS Camp Fire staff at their current locations, so we don’t expect significant changes to staffing at locations.

Are the program hours changing?
No, the program hours at your program locations will stay the same.

Will full day programs still be offered for non-school days?
Yes, the YMCA offers full-day programs

Will full day programs be offered at the same places (e.g. Fernwood/Beverly Cleary) or will it be elsewhere?
Yes, full day programs will be offered at the same locations. The Y also offers full day care at various locations, so there will be an opportunity to enroll at other locations that may be closer to your home.

Will the YMCA offer care on Early Release Days?

When is my last bill to Camp Fire?
December billing will be final monthly billing. Camp Fire will also be collecting on any past due, outstanding balances.

Is the YMCA a licensed Child Care Center?

Who can I contact for billing questions?
Camp Fire:

All Districts:

Will debt/unpaid balances at Camp Fire be carried over to the Y?
No. Camp Fire will be working with families to collect any outstanding balances by the end of the calendar year.

Will there be scholarship opportunities through YMCA?
The YMCA has financial assistance. Families will have to fill out new applications. Open Door Program | YMCA of Columbia-Willamette

Who do I contact if things look incorrect or if I have questions?
Primary Contact:
Secondary Contact: Lisa Egger

Does the Y have a summer program? What are the dates? When does registration start?
Yes, as we operate in school district buildings, dates and locations are determined by each district and availability of schools. We aim to have options for every week of summer, even if we cannot be in district buildings every week due to building closures. Registration for Summer 2025 will open in February.

Does the YMCA accept ERDC?

I’m on collective care, will my copay stay the same?
The YMCA has financial assistance. Families will have to fill out new applications. Open Door Program | YMCA of Columbia-Willamette

How do the rates for YMCA compare to Camp Fire? What can we expect for next year?
For the remainder of the 24-25 school year, your rate will not change at all. For the 25-26 school year, we plan to integrate Camp Fire families into our current rate structure. While Camp Fire spread out payments over 12 months, the YMCA only charges for Before and After School during months school is actually running. You will be charged a flat monthly fee for months with regular school schedules, and those monthly rates will be prorated accordingly for months with significantly less school (i.e. December, March, June). Any additional programming (full day care and Camps) will have separate registrations and fees. The YMCA will not offer anything equivalent to the all in package after the 24-25 school year ends.

What portal do you use for family registrations?
Families can create and access their accounts by navigating to our website, and then clicking My Account at the top. The registration system that we use is called Daxko.

How comparable are the employment packages being offered to former Camp Fire staff? Are there any benefits they are losing? What percentage of Camp Fire staff do you expect to retain? How do you plan on filling any empty positions for people who don’t transition?
One of the benefits of this transition is that our structure is similar to Camp Fire. All current Camp Fire staff that apply with the YMCA will receive an affer for the equivalent position with the YMCA. Wages will remain in a similar range. As far as benefits, full time staff will be able to access YMCA health benefits in January. As the YMCA is a separate organization, retirement and other benefits will need to be set up again through our organization. We are hoping to retain as many staff as we can. We plan on hiring empty positions of staff who do not transition. The YMCA currently runs similar programs and has staff available to help cover any potential staffing holes until we can hire those positions.

Will staff have an opportunity to get the same amount of hours and benefits? Will they have a waiting period for benefits to kick on after switching to the YMCA?
For the most part, yes. Hours may change for a few positions, but the YMCA also has other opportunities for staff to get hours in other programs. Full time Camp Fire staff that transition will have the opportunity to enroll for benefits in January 2025.

Will students currently enrolled in Camp Fire have priority when applying for YMCA care?
Yes, if you are currently attending, you have a spot in the program for the rest of the 24-25 school year. For future school years, there is a priority registration. Any family that is currently enrolled will have priority registration and they will not have to be on a waitlist. This includes younger siblings.

How does the YMCA handle registration for next year (25-26)? Will we have a rollover option or will it be a waitlist again? What about new siblings?
Registration is done online for all of our programs. Registration links will be sent to all currently attending families with information on when they can start to register. Currently attending families and siblings will have a week to register for the program prior to registration opening to the public. Registration for the 25-26 school year will open in May.

Is there a possibility of expanding program offerings?
Yes if there is a significant enough need or interest, staff, and space available to expend offerings we will look at doing so. Nothing will be changing for January 2025, but potentially in the future.

When will we expect to receive registration information for January 2025, and when will it need to be completed by to ensure no disruption to care?
You will receive registration information via email by 12/6. Please complete your registration by Friday, 12/13.

The YMCA mentions being Christian-based or focused. Is that a topic that ever comes up during after school programming (prayer, discussion, etc)?

  • The YMCA is a longstanding organization both globally and in the Portland area. While the YMCA was originally established as a Christian organization for men in 1844, The Y in its current form is an inclusive organization for all. There is no promotion of Christian faith or religion in any of our programs. We focus on our core values of love, honesty, respect, responsibility, and service.
  • YMCA Policy on Religious and Cultural Observances From the Parent Handbook: The YMCA may teach about various holidays, including their religious aspects; however, staff will not observe holidays as religious events or promote such observances by students. Any approach to religious instruction is academic and not devotional, and no religion will be promoted in the program. All YMCA programs operating in district buildings will also abide by any further district policies regarding Religious and Cultural Observances.

You mentioned you’re trying to keep things similar for staff so they stay on. Is that expected to be true of next school year too or is it just the bridge period of this year? For example, will hours start higher and then be reduced once fully acclimated to your environment?
We do not anticipate any significant changes to staff hours, pay, or benefits after the fully transition to the YMCA.

What would a typical after school program look like? Are there similar structures to Campfire? Clubs, community meeting, recess, snack etc…
We are not planning on changing the program structure. Staff will still be able to run programs how they have been doing so. All of our programs are slightly different, but yes, they all offer clubs, recess, snack, community meeting, etc.

Does the YMCA have a policy on supporting gender-diverse staff?

  • The YMCA is committed to creating inclusive, safe, and welcoming spaces for children, families, and staff of all identities. We share Camp Fire’s commitment to affirming and supporting staff of all identities with children, families, and other staff.
  • Equity Statement: Our Y is committed to treating everyone with dignity and empowering all to reach their full potential as we build thriving, inclusive communities. While we have not always lived up to that vision, our Y is on a journey toward creating an organization that fully embodies antiracist, multicultural values and advances equity for all.

Can YMCA staff administer medication to students?
Yes, parents will need to fill out a new Medication Authorization form.

Are all current school sites going to continue next school year?
The YMCA plans to continue running all current Camp Fire programs in the 25-26 school year. Since we operate in district buildings, the district or school may have the ability to open the program up for other providers to bid for. In that situation, we would do everything that we could to maintain these programs. Currently,we do not anticipate this happening.

Assuming summer camp is available for PPS, will you be able to select and pay for specific weeks?

All-In Package Families

With winter break now being unavailable through Campfire and the move to YMCA happening in January, what is the plan with all-in families?

All in families can use their days during YMCA Winter Break and future full day programs/Spring Break.

Will we go back down to the regular fee and be reimbursed for overpayment?

Your package rate for the 24/25 school year will remain unchanged, and no reimbursements will be issued. However, families will still be able to use their all-in package with the YMCA.

Who’s keeping track of my utilized full days?

The registration support team at The YMCA. For registration questions please contact

How will I sign up for full day programs without a registrar, but I still have days available?

Register online; work with the site director and email

Will the YMCA honor the promises Camp Fire registrars have made to families? ex: if they don’t utilize their entire package, then those days will be applied to summer day camp 2025

No, the All-In package ends at the end of June 2025 school year.

Contact Information

Session & On-Site Support
Ryan Brickley 503.327.0022

WLWV & McMinnville:
Karen Dutlinger 503.849.6841

Administrative Office Support
Jennifer Simonson 503.327.0010

Billing & Office Support
Primary contact:

Secondary contact: Lisa Egger